Tuesday, April 3, 2012

11 Questions Tag!

So, I wasn't actually tagged to do this, but Kassie from Unique Desire said to do this if you were so inclined, so I will.  Since I wasn't actually tagged for this, though, I'm not going to go about the whole process that this tag entails. Though that's really just because I'm lazy.
  1. What Sparked your interest in Makeup and what made you decide to start blogging?
I think it was a mix of when I stumbled upon my mothers pathetic makeup collection when I was in first or second grade and started playing around with her makeup, when I was in 6th grade and my mom made the mistake of letting me wear makeup to school, and 7th grade when I found the very dangerous beauty community on youtube.  I started blogging because I thought that I had something to offer but I wasn't ready to start making youtube videos. Oh, and I had just stolen my mom's camera and realized that it was good.

    2.  If you could only use one monochromatic set of colors of eyeshadow what would it be? I.e. only shades of blue.

Ugh. I guess I have to be boring and go with brown/gold/bronze. As much as I would love to go with something more fun, I don't think whatever job I get in the future would appreciate me coming to work with teal eyeshadow.
    3.  Do you prefer playing with eyeshadow, lipstick or nail polish?

Definitely eyeshadow!

    4.  What do you want to be "when you grow up"?

The evil question. When I was little, I always wanted to be a singer, but what I want now... I have no idea. At all.

    5.  Favorite band/musician?

Another evil question! I love so many... Nope. Can't do it. Sorry.

    6. Favorite guilty pleasure?


    7.  How do you like to spend your days(you know after you've played with makeup xD)

Noodling on the computer.  Reading.  Exercise. Hangout with friends. Eat good food. Pretty boring.

    8.  Do you have any pets? If so, names and pictures!

I've had many pets. When I was little I was a child creepy cat lady.  Now I just have a dog, and his name is Pepper:
Clueless, ain't he? 

     9.  Do you prefer indie companies or cooperate companies to buy your makeup from?

As much as I love my indie brands... I much more frequently buy from cooperate companies. So that's what I have to go with.

    10.  The most rewarding thing about blogging for you?

Everything. Sharing with people. Whether it's people finding my blog/youtube and commenting/following or me finding an amazing blog/youtube/person and then talking with them, it's really just fabulous to talk to people who actually understand makeup how you do.

    11.  Who inspired you?

With beauty? Different youtubers. I guess in the beginning it was xsparkage, amarixe, AllThatGlitters21, and juicystar07 was the first. Maybe not my favorites now... but I've been watching them for years.

1 comment:

  1. Your dog is soooo cute! Thanks for doing the tag! :D
